Hanks Li

Hanks is an actor, director and youth theater facilitator. He first studied theater at Theater Ensemble and graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Drama School in 2011, majoring in Acting. While studying, he received the Outstanding Actor Award, Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation Scholarship, SAPA Scholarship and HSBC Scholarship. After graduation, he extended his exploration in other form of theater training through encounters with David Glass, Philip Gaulier, Jean-René Toussaint, Natacha Belova, Jan Fabre Teaching Group, Shaghayegh Beheshti, and Sébastien Brottet-Michel.

He has performed in different countries for a wide range of theatre projects and his recent theatre credits include: Quai Ouest by On and On Theater Project; Kassandra - oder die Welt als Ende der Vorstellung by On and On Theater Project; Light of Antarctica (Mainland Tour) by Threewoods Playwright; 1894 Hong Kong Plague - a Musical by Hong Kong Repertory Theatre; Three Sisters (Actors Lab Project) by Theatre du pif; May (Blackbox Project) by Hong Kong Repertory Theatre; The Revenge of Local Heroes by Chung Ying Theatre; In a Breathe by Hong Kong Dramatists; Sing Along Song 3 by Trinity Theatre; Appearance (Human-size puppet parade) by Theatre Festival 2014, KAKISENI, Malaysia; Lu-Ting (Edinburgh Festival Fringe) by Theatre Horizon and 1941 Girl-A Musical by Actor's Family. Directing credits include: Ass Juice Maker by Hong Kong Originators; Babel by Rourselves and Home is such a lonely place by Dialogue Creators.

In recent years, he is exploring Body-Mind connections through practicing Sound Healing (Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork), Kundalini Yoga , and Reiki. He is also a certificated Gyrotonic Level 1 Apprentice.


曾隨香港資深舞台劇演員詹瑞文及甄詠蓓學習形體及編作劇場多年,後畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院,獲藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修演技。校内曾演出多個劇目並獲頒傑出演員獎,亦曾獲成龍獎學金、滙豐上海交流獎學金、演藝友誼社獎學金及參與羅馬利亞錫烏爾國際藝術節街頭節目表演及文化交流。畢業後持續接受不同表演藝術訓練,導師包括David Glass、Philippe Gaulier、Jean-René Toussaint、Natacha Belova、Jan Fabre Teaching Group,陽光劇團Shaghayegh Beheshti及Sébastien Brottet-Michel等學習形體,聲音,表演及人形活偶製作。2015 獲Jan Fabre Teaching Group邀赴比利時參與該團製作隣選。現為自由身舞台工作者,參與導演、演員及戲劇導師之工作,並同時參與配音、影視拍攝及主持工作。

與香港多個藝團合作,除在香港演出外,亦到台北、澳門、深圳、廣州、上海、徐州、愛丁堡及加拿大巡迴演出及作戲劇交流。近期參與的香港及海外演出,包括三木劇場《極地之光》、劇場工作室《我們都在努力生活》、前進進戲劇工作坊《卡桑德拉-表象世界的終結》及《西邊碼頭》、三角關係《家寶》及《勁金歌曲3請您記住我SAL3 Together》首演及重演、香港話劇團 音樂劇《太平山之疫》及黑盒劇場《五月的梅子》、進劇場《演員運動-三姊妹》、中英劇團《復仇者傳聞之驚天諜變反撃戰》、香港戲劇創作室《一念間》、演戲家族 音樂劇《遇上1941的女孩》、PIP Theatre《快樂勿語》、焦媛實驗劇團《江青和她的丈夫們》重演(香港及加拿大巡迴) 、音樂劇《六月新娘》及該劇重演(内地及加拿大巡迴) ,天邊外劇場《盧亭》(愛丁堡藝穗節演出)及馬來西亞Kakiseni國際藝術節《Appearance》人形活偶戶外演出。近期導演作品有香港原創《軌道上的微生物》及演員自我騷癢《巴別》。


近年開始學習聲頻療癒(Sound Healing)及人形活偶(Human-sized Puppet)製作的知識,同時修習昆達里尼瑜珈(Kundalini Yoga) 並為合資格GYROTONIC實習導師。